One week in...

It's like Groundhog Day in our house this week in May, with three of the five of us with birthdays - last one today, my littlest! Needless to say it has been a fairly hectic week, and have survived it without any congratulatory and celebratory glasses of wine. I am impressed (?!) by the reasons I found to drink!  

My husband had his birthday yesterday, and he told me how glad he was to have his old Cesca back. I knew that my drinking has had the most impact on him, but until he said this I never really appreciated how much and have thought of little else since. The differences in just a week are huge; my efficiency, my calmness and my general interest in everything and everyone. I have put back on two of the initial 4lbs I lost due to my sugar cravings, which I have allowed myself to give into for the first week!

I haven't had any cravings, and wonder why this time is different which I attempted to explain to my hubby yesterday.  Since I finally admitted that I do drink more than most of my friends, really began to see the impact on my life and sought external support via websites such as Soberistas and reading books and blogs, then every time I than drank I really for the first time started to see it for what it was. Each time I was in my usual hungover, self obsessed state I finally began to realise that this really wasn't living…. I know it is early days, and a looming girls w'end and night away does make my subconscious began to question my decision to stop but for the moment I am taking each day as it comes and trying to squash thoughts about just drinking on holidays?!! 

Last night I had a bit of a mishap as unbeknown to me my hubby had put some Peroni in the fridge alongside my Becks Blue - which look very similar! After getting home post football awards evening at 9.30pm last night I grabbed one, and after I had drunk most of it I realised it wasn't my beer! I was appalled and surprisingly upset, however what I didn't do is have anymore. I am not going back to Day 1 after a genuinely innocent mistake, and will learn to be more careful in the future! 


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