A clearer head?!

Trying not to get too obsessed with the days, but it is hard not too! Day 5 and no major cravings, but did have a bit of a 'grumpy' spell last night prompted by general household mess. I have had an alcohol beer for the last two nights once the kids are fed and watered and everyone is pretty much sorted for the next day. This is exactly the point I would have reached for the wine, which I guess for me signified the end of my day. I do think it is hard when you don't physically leave an office to get the sense that the working day is over, do you know what I mean? The 0% beers are nice, and get this only 39kcal!

I was amazed this morning to see I have lost 4lbs since Saturday despite my sugar craving at 4ish, which I am succumbing to. There is nothing wrong with a few fizzy cola bottles to help me on my way…. 

I dreamt last night that I was at a girls drinks do (which is next week!), joined the gang and drank lots of cava. I can't tell you the relief when I came to and realised it was a dream. This is a first for me! 

I am desperately trying to take one day at a time, but it is impossible not to think of upcoming events and how they will be without any alcohol. I am now beginning to play each event through in my mind, and clearly see the end result which more often than not was rewarded with a hangover of some description. Half term is fast approaching and a holiday to Cornwall, dinner with friends at a restuarant on the beach and my first thought is about a nice glass of cold white wine. It is a process and I am now very quickly making comparisons to past trips and regrets I had about how much better it could have been if I wasn't drinking. Slow but sure progress I think….

I remain under no illusion that by Friday I will feel the need for a 'reward' for a week well done, and with a kids party to host on Saturday afternoon that will be the real test!

If there is anyone reading this who is on the same journey, please, please do let me have any of your tips and words of wisdom as I need all the help and support I can get! I have to say that www.soberistas.com has been a great find!



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