
I have been thinking about my blog in more depth, and generally believe that by writing my thoughts and feelings down on a published space is really helping to maintain focus. I initially toyed with blogging more on the Soberistas website but really didn't want people to become 'fed up' with yet another post from me! I am keen not to become too self obsessed in my posts, as I have been somewhat 'selfish' over the last few years of drinking to say the least! But for now reflecting and putting my thoughts on 'paper' is definitely helping.

So after the elation of getting through my first weekend I was decidedly grumpy yesterday, and similar when I woke up this morning. My sugar cravings are really getting me down, and although I know they will subside a looming girls holiday for which I have to dust off my bikini (!?!) is getting ever closer… I'm not sleeping brilliantly, so tiredness has something to do with it along with a sore throat, but I really thought by now I would be full of the joys. We are away for half term next week, so maybe the thought of a holiday with no wine is part of it, who knows?? I really did begin to question my decision to stop when I woke up this morning with my hangover frame of mind but without the headache and dry mouth! Despite "the grump's" I haven't generally craved a drink which is a positive! 

How's hoping tomorrow brings a slighter cheerier me!! Any thoughts on whether this low this early on is normal would be appreciated x


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