Progressing well but aargh other people!!!

Happy Tuesday all! My husband and I were lucky enough to get given a voucher for a gorgeous hotel we love in the New Forest. Currently drinking coffee, and chillaxing! This is our third visit here, and the difference in me between visits is worth a post! The first time I was drinking, we spent the afternoon drinking, and remember my husband being annoyed that I ordered yet another glass of wine to bring back to the room?! The second time was about a year ago, and I was two or three months into 5 months of sobriety. I had called to find out what AF drinks they offered and upon discovering not much brought a six pack of Becks Blue with me. I was very conscious about not drinking and feeling hard done by. This time OMG, I was hugely looking forward to it, the time together, the food, the peace and not even a thought of drink. Turns out they serve Seedlip here, so had a lovely AF cocktail and two bottles of fizzy water. The no booze just didn't even feature - progress indeed!! 

So hugely thrilled to have got to this point, but am seriously struggling with and getting increasingly frustrated by other people! Having recently hit 6 months sober, I really thought a sizeable pat on the back from close friends would be forthcoming but not! The select few friends I have been 'mostly' open with still talk about drinking a lot, one even recently talked of a friend from uni who was back to being fun again as she had started drinking after a period of abstinence! 

I have been trying to imagine how I would react if I was still drinking and a friend opened up to me about their drinking problem and subsequently stopped, and whether I would be forthcoming with praise. I would like to think I would, but maybe not as it would highlight my own issues?? Now I am stronger, I think perhaps this is the time to 'come clean' to a few more people. It's a tricky call to make. The issue is two fold, do I really want everyone to know the true extent, or would I rather keep this private but remain irritated by the lack of support? I also desperately don't want my friends to feel that they have to watch what they say or drink around me. I have no idea whether honesty is the best policy???


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