A year on, and come to my senses!

I haven't posted on my blog for a year (!) as remained stuck in the same cycle with nothing new or of any real interest to report. I stopped drinking on 1st January and managed almost 5 months - a first for me! My annual girls weekend was always going to be difficult, and unfortunately when I embarked on this period of sobriety I always had in the back of my mind I would drink for this event. Needless to stay it wasn't just the weekend I drunk for, but over the course of the rest of the month I was very quickly back to my old ways. After another month off the sauce, I was back on it for our family holiday. It was the first holiday on our own in years which would have been so easy not to drink with no pressure but instead decided I needed to properly relax! We got back on the 3rd August and continued to drink and reset my sober counter daily! 

My subconscious kept telling me that 1st September was a good day to stop, WTF! My mind is the bane of my life, but the 01.09.16 it ended up being. It's early days, but with 6 months of sobriety this year (with the couple of blips) I am under no illusion that a sober life is for me. I am finally getting a grip, beginning to fully appreciate the amazing life, family and friends I have and not get dragged down by the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). It's so crazy as I was actually missing out on so much more by drinking! I do finally feel that I have accepted things, and firmly believe that the lack of acceptance is what was holding me back. 

I am following various sober blogs, people on Instagram and part of an amazingly supportive Facebook Group and all the post and comments are really keeping me focused and committed. Finally after years of battling with my own mind and moderation I actually feel that life is there for the taking, and am HAPPY!!!


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